How to get money from the internet 2021 (very easy to do)

How to get money from the internet 2021 (very easy to do)

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 Are you looking for a side or additional income online? Or want to switch to a job online to try a new challenge? Relax, there are lots of ways to get money from the internet that you can try. However, you have to be careful in choosing what kind of business or job you want to do. 

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Well, in this article, we discuss 44 easy ways to get money from the Internet. The points we discuss in this article are generally divided into two categories, namely how to make money from the Internet through a blog or website, and make money from the internet without a website (through social media, special platforms, participating in contests, etc.). 

How to Get Money from the Internet Through a Website or Blog

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How to make money on the internet will be easier with a website. Pick a niche or main topic and get to know your target audience. If traffic is high and the website starts to get busy, sell products and or services to customers.

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In this section, we will discuss how to get money from the Internet without a lot of capital, such as joining an affiliate program, selling stock photos, opening online courses, and so on.

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It is important to use a reliable hosting service to maximize the profits of your online business.

1. Create a Blog

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Many people blog to share opinions or 'show off' their work. But there are also, you know, who create blogs because they want to get additional income from home. Some others actually succeeded in developing blogs to get busy traffic.

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Indeed, not all bloggers are then successful on the Internet. However, if you know the tricks, your blog can definitely help you make money. If your main goal is to earn income online, start a blog with long-term goals. 

Some tips for blogging that you need to know:

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1. Choose a general topic. 

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2. For example health, finances, relationships, hobbies, or self-development. 

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3. Create quality content. 

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4. Learn all about SEO. 

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5. Learn how to optimize your blog and improve its ranking on Google.

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6. Build relationships or join the blogger and influencer community. 

The following are opportunities to make money from the Internet through blogs: 


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1. Do paid advertising. 

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2. Run online courses and sell learning materials. 

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3.Promote affiliate products.

2. Join the Affiliate Program 

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One of the ways to get money from the Internet is by joining an affiliate program. Recommend or review products sold by merchants (affiliate program providers) through your website and include the affiliate link. When visitors buy products through these links, you will get money from the Internet in the form of commissions.

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Bitcatcha, for example, reviews hosting services, VPN apps, and site builders. Whenever there is a review published, there must be an affiliate link in it. 

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Then there's Wirecutter, who made enough money from affiliates to the point that the New York Times acquired him for $ 30 million. 

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There's also Lucieslist, a website that reviews baby products, and Outdoorgearlab, which reviews camping and hiking gear.

3. Build an Online Store

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Two methods you need to consider in order for your online store to be successful: 

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Create and sell products to a targeted group of buyers. Make sure the product fits your niche. Buying cheaper manufactured goods from abroad. 

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After that, give new packaging and resell it at a higher price. For those who choose the first method, you have to do product research, product development, and also product testing.

4. Become a Reseller of Web Hosting

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Hosting24 is part of Hostinger. This provider also offers web hosting services. However, Hosting24 has a web hosting reseller program. 

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This program provides an opportunity for anyone who wants to earn income by becoming a reseller hosting.

5. Opening an Online Course

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If you have an advantage in a field, there is nothing wrong with trying to open an online course.

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Online courses take many forms. Starting from a simple PDF, to a series of instructional videos with a total duration of tens of hours. Running online courses doesn't have to be expensive. 

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You can set yourself how much the participants must pay. One of the advantages of online courses is that they can be integrated with modern websites, such as blogs, eCommerce platforms, and affiliate marketing sites. 

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To make it easier to choose course topics, you can ask the audience for help in the form of a poll. But sometimes, you can also just ask their opinion right away. Many will provide solutions and topics that can be studied.

6. Offer a Membership System

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Membership sites are attracting a lot of interest lately. The manufacturing process is also easy even though the number of audiences visiting the website is a major factor.

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It can be seen that the audience visited the site or blog because they liked the content of the discussion and the way it was delivered. These people will most likely become loyal visitors to your blog. 

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Well, this is where you can offer a membership system so that visitors can access premium content. 

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Not everyone will be interested in your membership promo. However, this promo will be a special offer for those who like the content on your blog.

7. Renting out advertising space

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Many sites advertise in the middle of content. There are those that look boring and don't fit the content, but some are in line with the content of the website.

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Usually advertising space rental is done by websites that already have high traffic. If the number of traffic to your site continues to grow, this way of getting money quickly from the internet can be considered. 

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Apart from advertising network policies, payment is also based on total impressions or clicks.

8. Offering Services and Services on the Website 

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Another way to earn from the internet is to offer services and services on the website. Create an Educational Blog Make a blog containing one important topic. 

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Suppose you have a blog that discusses woodworking techniques. Then you've succeeded in getting visitors to subscribe to site content. The traffic is increasing and stable. 

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Well, the next strategy is to add a service page that contains info and lessons about carpentry. This learning can be personal (per one subscriber) or through media, such as Skype.

9. Creating a Locker Site with a Subscription System 

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Did you know that locker sites can also be a source of income from the internet? If you have a locker website, those looking for workers with certain criteria will place advertisements on your site. Visitors can apply to the job in droves.

10. Online Directory Business 

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Although not very popular, online directories can be one way to get money from the internet easily. The system is almost the same as the locker website. It's just that, if on the locker website, individuals or companies have to pay to place advertisements or visitors have to pay a subscription fee to access job vacancies. 

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Now, in an online directory, you are the one who will get paid monthly for one directory listing. Especially if your site is credible or has a high amount of traffic, online directory services will give you excess benefits. Let's say that the main topic of a site is web development and design. 

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Through this site, you often produce quality content which is ultimately able to bring in a large audience. Then you start creating a directory so that web developers and agencies can buy listings. 

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Apart from providing authoritive backlinks, online directories can also bring traffic to a business. Usually there will be a monthly subscription fee to get the company or business on the list. There is even a premium fee that will guarantee its position to continue to be in the top position.
